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Our services


We are specialists in recruitment and selection

Talent acquisition strategies for your growing business  in critical sectors such as Oil&Gas, large construction, conventional and renewable energy production and distribution, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, and plant maintenance. Our vision is to be an integral part of the energy transition, uniting people for people.
With our in-depth knowledge and experience, we support companies in the proper management of integrated systems, ensuring compliance with national and international regulatory requirements. We create tailor-made solutions that take into account the specific needs and challenges of each sector, offering consulting, training and ongoing support.

Recruitment authorization N° HEM/01/257-8/2024

Ereb31 PDCA

Occupational Health & Safety

Most of the key elements required for effective health and safety management are very similar to those required for good quality finance and general business management including recruitment services.

We use the four-step approach in all our activities, which is the basis for OH&S management systems like ISO 45001:2018:

Using the four-step approach (plan, do, check, act) is a fundamental part of effective health and safety management. This approach is is also known as the Deming cycle or PDCA cycle.

By using the PDCA cycle, businesses can continuously improve their health and safety management system. This approach ensures that risks are identified and controlled, and that the system is continually monitored and improved.


The planning of health and safety management systems involves the development and implementation of suitable management arrangements to control risks by the introduction of workplace preventive measures.

Policy and Statement which outlines the health and safety aims, objectives and commitment of the organization and line of responsibility.

Developing Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment take place during this phase and the significant hazard may well be included in the policy statement.

Define Emergency procedures and relevant health and safety legal requirements and other standards identified together with appropriate benchmarks from similar industries.

Define Organizational structure responsibility and target so that health and safety responsibility are allocated at all levels.

Ereb31 Plan
Ereb31 Do


This step involves implementing the plan by training employees, providing necessary resources, and implementing the controls identified in the planning stage.​

Define OH&S roles and responsibilities of employers, directors, managers and supervisors​.

Reinforce or define the concept of health and safety culture and it’s significance in the management of health and safety in an organization​.

Define how health and safety behaviour at work can be improved and human factors that influence it.​

Health and Safety plan, Risk Assessment and risk reduction measures​.

Define Safe systems of work preparing dedicated and specific Safe Work Method Statements for each activity.​

Monitor and Lead Permit to work system​.

Emergency procedures and emergency services​.

Requirements for, and effective provision of, first-aid in the work place​.


During this stage we measure health and safety performance of the system in place with active (proactive) and reactive monitoring.​

Work-based inspection and audits looking  at the premises, plant and substances plus the people, procedures and systems.​

Regular health and safety committee meetings.

Feedback from training sessions and lead training session​.

Constant review of risk assessment​.

Recording and reporting of accidents, work related injury, and ill-health as well as near misses and any enforcement notices​.

Incident investigation .

Ereb31 Check
Ereb31 Act


The performance improvement phase involves review of the effectiveness of the health and safety management system and identification of any weaknesses.​

Based on the results of the previous step, businesses take action to improve the health and safety management system. This may involve adjusting controls, providing additional training, or updating the health and safety objectives.​

Health and Safety auditing .

Review of health and safety performance and process​.

Additional services

Delivery of Safety Culture / Behavioral Trainings using  Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies.

Immersive training provides a unique and effective way of engaging employees and helping them acquire new skills and knowledge. By immersing employees in a simulated environment, they are able to experience first hand the challenges and opportunities that they are likely to encounter in their work. Overall, AR and VR technologies can provide significant benefits for the energy industry, including enanced safety, improved efficiency, and reduced costs.

Medical and Paramedical Personnel and temporary facilities.
Emergency Rescue Team.
Working At Height (including Rope Access Techniques).
Fire Specialists.
Industrial Hygiene Studies and Analysis.
Environmental Studies and Analysis.

Additional Services